Who We Are At Zion

Who We Are

We are a small, rural community of believers who belong to Christ, living in Dearborn County Indiana (southeastern corner), near Cincinnati, Ohio. We are a congregation in the Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).

Our Vision

We are a people created by God through the Sacrament of Baptism who worship around the Word of God and Sacrament of Holy Communion. Since we are a people blessed by God’s presence in Word and Sacrament that nourish us, we are able to serve others, share God’s grace with all, and grow in our faith in Jesus Christ. As a Christ-centered community of believers we do God’s work with our hands, not only in Indiana but also throughout the world.

Grace at the Heart of it All

Lutherans focus on the realization that God through Jesus Christ has reconciled us sinners back to God. Jesus has sent his Holy Spirit to enable us to respond to this grace in the following ways:


We celebrate by worshipping with Scripture (Bible) and, almost every week, with Holy Communion. This is not only brings us closer to God but also nourishes us with the grace to respond to God.

Hospitality and Compassion

Zion members are known for the friendly hospitality that often exists in small congregations. People like to be with each other so after worship most want to catch up on what their friends and extended family have been doing the past week. However, Zion members do not stop there. They care for each other through meals, our Visiting Team ministry, phone calls, and helping with whatever needs our members have.

Serving Others

Zion always has some outreach effort underway to serve those outside of Zion. What we do depends on the gifts of our congregation, which has changed over the years. Currently, we collect items for various organizations with a different focus every month.

Growing in Faith

Zion offers faith development for children and adults. There is a dual emphasis on learning about the Bible and the Lutheran tradition along with deepening prayer life and spiritual practices.