Our Worship

At Zion we practice traditional worship. This means we have a consistent liturgy (order of worship) that reflects our Lutheran beliefs. Each service generally includes: hymns, prayers, collecting an offering, children's sermon, and a sermon. We have both a hymn book and a bulletin which will guide you through worship so whether you are new to the Christian faith, a longtime Christian, or you have been absent from worship for a while you can easily move through our service. We also have ushers available if you have any questions or need assistance. 

Children in Worship: We welcome families and children to worship! We believe that children should be a part of worship, because by worshiping with their families they learn about our Christian faith and how we worship. We know children like to move and play, and we have worship bags available for them during worship. Worship bags contain coloring pages, treats, and some toys. We also have a fellowship area downstairs where children are welcome to move and play, and there is a changing station available in the women's restroom. 

Worship Aids: Our sanctuary is handicap accessible. A lift is available for anyone with mobility issues at the main entrance to the church. Our bulletin is also available in a large print form. 

Movement in Worship: During worship there are times when the congregation stands and times when the congregation is seated.  The worship bulletin and/or Pastor will announce these. If you are not able or are uncomfortable standing you are welcome to remain seated during parts of worship where the congregation normally stands. 

Holy Communion: We practice open communion at Zion and believe that Jesus is truly present in, with, and under the bread and wine. If you are baptized then we invite you to receive Holy Communion. There will be red wine and white grape juice offered. If you do not feel prepared to receive Holy Communion we invite you to come forward for a blessing instead. Simply come forward with your bulletin as a sign.