First Time at Zion

What to Expect from a Worship Service

Can I meet a pastor?

The pastor is usually available before and after worship services to meet with visitors. Of course, you are welcome to make an appointment to meet with the pastor, too. Just give him a call or send him an e-mail! He will be pleased to talk to you. In the event there is not a pastor available, please contact any Council members.


Do I have to give an offering?

We rely on our members to support the many ministries of the church. Visitors are not expected to give offerings ... but thanks for asking!


May I receive Communion?

We practice what's called "Open Communion." If you are a baptized Christian who has been communing elsewhere, you are welcome to commune with us. (Small children who have not celebrated their first communion, as well as non-baptized people, are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing from the minister.)


Will I be contacted afterwards?

If you choose please sign the visitor book. If you give us your name and phone number, address or email address, we will send you a letter to thank you for visiting. We might even send you other information from time to time, but we promise not to bug you. (We don't like junk mail, spam or unwanted telephone calls either!)


Will my home congregation be contacted?

We will contact your home church if you ask us to, but we don't normally do that without your request. (We know how to keep a secret.)


How do I join Zion?

Adults desiring to join Zion are asked to complete the following three steps: (1) Attend one luncheon with a pastor, (2) attend our Catechumenate Process (Member Preparation Class), and (3) be received at a worship service. 


What do you believe?

Click here to learn more about what we believe -- from what is unique about being Lutheran to how the church is relevant today. VISION AND BELIEFS.